Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudou - Episode 9 - Siluril Alural Dripping Beer

Alural and Siluril naturally brewed Mitama Beer after learning how to cultivate grain.

Yukito needed Dakini's followers transferred to Mitama, but the Archon of Love refused to hand them over. So, just as Yukito trained Riche to fool people into asking Dakini to save scheduled execution victims, Riche trained Yukito to fool Dakini. Riche would have to be still loyal to Dakini if she turned the insurgent's leader into her personal sex slave. The Riche Faction then transferred Dakini's followers to Mitama. Alural, Siluril, and Riche enjoyed "training" Yukito to display the correct reactions!

Yukito and Mitama's party faced many strange beasts on their way back to the village. We learned who created them: Gaia! Unfortunately, the archon only had two followers, so the beasts stopped listening to her and attacked her instead. They ran amok and destroyed Alural's village!

Mitama emptied her freshly filled tank of believers' faith to restore the village and farms. The celebration ale flowed in all directions afterward. Then Roy found the injured Gaia, and Yukito and Ataru bullied her. Ataru would not let Gaia stop her flow of fresh ice cream from Siluril's tavern again.

Gaia warned Yukito about strange things happening in the capital, so Yukito and his friends traveled to investigate and hopefully find Bertrand. They found Bertrand in strange black armor and Loki in control of the city. She even had all the citizens as her followers! Yukito surmised that she had used her powers of illusion to fool the people that she was the emperor. How would Yukito counteract the store of faith Loki receives from over a million believers?

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