Friday, September 27, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Okaa-san Online - Episode 12 [END] - Amante Rushes

We couldn't tell from all her clumsy pratfalls, but Amante turned out to be a very formidable opponent.

The last floor of the tower had a very scary trap — many, many mothers trying to get their children to get imprisoned. Nobody fell for it, but it was Masato's worst nightmare.

The Boss Fight had its usual gimmick in an RPG — Amante had a native Reflect Attack ability. It was no match for Mamako's unique mommy skill A Mother's Scolding! How can a child reflect something that isn't even an attack? Amante survived and ran through the blocked door, which now had a huge hole in it, to get the prize on the top floor but she was too late for Masato to quote Mamako's probable wish for fresh eggs. It was his fault because he didn't have a wish already formed in his mind!

Masato admitted he wanted to keep adventuring with his mother and that made Mamako glow the brightest yet. The End.

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