Friday, September 27, 2019

10 Second Anime - Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator - Episode 12 [END]

Accelerator, Esther, and friends work hard to defeat Isaac and his Perfect Golem. Season Finale.

#12 - "Something to Protect"


Well, that's over. The lazy writers couldn't even be bothered to come up with an episode title that matches the style of the other eleven. And the dialogue about heroes, villains, and something to protect was already done last episode. They just had to draw it out with the "justice" talk from the DA guys scrambling Isaac's body, but he already ate some last episode, so that was just a lazy solution. How about end the fight faster and give us more Misaka nurse cosplay fighting with Last Order? What a mess.


Let's talk about stuff we talked about last week!

Nice. Accelerator can find a vector for anything. Except that spiritual stuff. For now.

The Misaka Network knows about electricity. Shut down that "coffin." Misaka declares with a smug look!

Hirumi returned, somehow, just long enough to say Esther kept her promise to be useful. Hishigata can die now too.

Oh. We've got color back, just in time for the big explosion.

Welp, Accelerator will have to play the hero to protect Last Order. Just be honest already! We'll have to give him time before the Index III timeline. Ah. The image of Last Order triggered Accelerator's Angel Wings. In Index III, he went berserk because she was threatened, and she came back to settle down those Angel Wings. With his battery dead, Accelerator talked like the Angel Aiwass. These are fanservice moments for viewers of that previous anime.

Can't they let a poor man finish reading Heavy Object? Why would Yomikawa think Last Order is Accelerator's daughter instead of his little sister?

Huotou's farewell scene with Esther echoes the Kabbalah stuff I talked about last episode with souls, rebirth, and memories residing in the living not the souls themselves.

Misaka Sister in nurse cosplay is nice too.

Can't a man enjoy his black coffee on an antenna without a girl in a suitcase landing in his lap? Season two plot starting up, but I hope they write it better than this one.

Final Thoughts.

What a disappointment. The animation and the character development was just fine. Great, in fact. And did well in keeping very true to the timeline of the events following Last Order's rescue. But the writing of this story, while interesting as an idea in getting Accelerator to deal with spiritual matters with no vectors, was disjointed and then drawn out to fill time. The Esther and Hirumi flashback episode was the start of the lazy writing, and then it never recovered. When the focus was on Accelerator, things were fine. When it shifted to the disposable cast we'll never see again — it was perfunctory and repetitive. What could have saved this season was having a pause between the Cleaning Crew arc, filling that with some Misaka Network and Last Order slice-of-life stuff, and then dive back into Esther making that Shun Blade. That would have filled time enough to stop the DA "justice" crap this last episode and the repetitious hero talk, while giving us more Accelerator and Last Order moments.

At any rate, Accelerator was his pseudo villainous self, Last Order was cute, and the Misaka Network was supportive of both of them. If the entire season was like the first episode, we would have had a much more enjoyable experience. Let's hope next time that the girl in a wedding dress stuffed in a suitcase wants to spend more time with Last Order instead of playing with dead girls.

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