Thursday, September 26, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Lord El-Melloi II Case Files - Episode 10 - Gray Snowboards on Add

Imagine a snowboard complaining about sliding on powder the entire time you ride — that's what Add did to Gray as they rushed to rejoin the Rail Zeppelin Train.

Strangely, all of Luvia and Kairi's side investigations appear to retrace the cases Waver dealt with during the first half of the season. Hishiri decided to take the role of the mistaken detective on the Murder on the Orient Express part of the story before Waver came in to tell she had glaring holes in her deductions. She timed it, of course, right when her fingered suspect needed to have his Mystic Eyes removed for the auction, just when Waver realized he needed them to prove who Trisha's real murderer was.

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