Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Omake Gif Anime - Comic Girls - Episode 9 - Koyume Kabedon Tsubasa

Tsubasa needed help reclaiming her girly side and Koyume was just the girly girl to help her.

Tsubasa needed inspiration to tell a date type side story, so going clothes shopping and eating sweets with her friends was the right idea.

Koyume had gained a little weight, but she found her artwork as listless as she was without any sugar. Her solution, work extra hard on her manga while eating sweets. She lost weight on the heavy concentration to beat the deadline weight loss plan.

Tsubasa lost her manuscript at school and couldn't find it anywhere. A stranger found it in the science lab (which they had searched, but, eh, plot device) and it turned out to be their dorm mate Suzu!

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