Thursday, June 07, 2018

Omake Gif Anime - Comic Girls - Episode 10 - Ruki Surprise Party

Ruki was so preoccupied with couples' romance on Christmas Eve, she forgot it was her own birthday. Her friends did not, though.

Ruki thought Suzu shared her complicated feelings about couples as she writes a love manga, but Suzu was more focused on cursing happy couples with horror because she writes a horror manga. Almost the same, so close!

Kaos got Ruki the Christmas concert outfit for Ruka-nyan, the figurine character that looks almost exactly like Ruki. Ruki liked it a lot because she received a lot of affection on this most unhappy of holidays for the forever-alone types.

Kaos found out she couldn't spend the holiday week before New Year's with her family because they won a Hawaii vacation. Thanks for letting your daughter know in advance, and for reading her friends' manga... So Kaos got to spend the holidays visiting with Tsubasa's family, where she learned her deep, dark secret - Tsubasa is a refined young lady from a rich family!

Tsubasa had to wear a wig for week. Couldn't her mother tell? Well, if Ruki's badly photoshopped picture of Tsubasa "making a garland" fooled her, I guess we have our answer. Tsubasa got a little too used to her family situation to draw her manga, so Kaos had to shock her by threatening to send a girly pic of her to Koyume. That worked!

New Year's Day kimonos and Kaos' extremely bad luck.

The dorm mates have a tradition of burning their piles of old manuscript pages to roast sweet potatoes. Suzu likes to scare them by voicing the agonized screams of their "children" burning to death.

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