Saitama goes looking for trouble. Sonic helps him out. The Hero Association investigates Saitama's neighborhood.
Episode 6 - "The Terrifying Town"
The number of characters continues to grow as the Hero Association is slowly introduced and the world it operates in, but it always comes back to Saitama. Just like he was the inspiration for the association, now it turns out that he's the "monster" of the ghost town in Z City. I loved how that implication was never said out loud, but all the damage to the buildings and structures have come from his fights with the random villains.
Of course, Saitama has to worry about more mundane things. Like meeting his quota to stay in the Hero Association.
One good deed a week? How does a regular hero find out about this small fry stuff? Saitama does what he does - he runs.
Regular people can't fly, remember? As if he's regular people...
I still like how he thinks all he has to teach Genos to be a stronger hero is strength training, which wouldn't work on a cyborg anyway. But again, he's been fighting all the super villains around his neighborhood and he's the only regular person left there. As if he's a regular person....
I noticed in the first episode how alone he seemed and that there didn't seem to be people around in the second episode to evacuate when the mosquito lady showed up. And now the show is addressing this! My appreciation for this hero satire just grows every week.
Saitama's only other companion, besides his cactus (and now Genos) made an aloof appearance. This cat has seen Saitama run before. It's not impressed.
Other characters featured in the opening credits made their debut. Sonic showed up again. And got one punched again. But this time, Saitama flashed him a warning that gave him pause, just like Genos got for a split second last week. Don't make Saitama get serious!
The Terrible Tornado showed up, with her shapely loli-butt. I guess we're going to see more of her from now on.
Genos is similar to Saitama in one respect: the small stuff really doesn't concern him at all. He should be used to the lack of people living around Saitama, but when he noticed a few presences with his sensors, he only cared so long as they were moving toward the apartment. That toilet isn't going to scrub itself, you know.
Saitama has underestimated the appeal that mysterious visual kei young men have on the larger Japanese culture. Genos was already ranked 6th in popularity because "he doesn't give interviews." Nice detail here is that Saitama already has official Hero Association merchandise.
Hey, look! Saitama has something else to wear besides that Oppai hoodie. Is he really a ShiKaGo BuRuZu (Chicago Bulls) fan, or did he just pick that jersey up like he helped himself to some kelp from a random super villain?
I actually can't wait for next episode to see those other lower tier heroes find out that the 'monster" of the Z City's ghost town is Saitama himself. There's tons of comedy gags to mine as well as well-choreographed fight sequence. Bring it on!
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