Some of Mirei's past is revealed as she becomes Mamori's knight in rescuing her from a forced marriage ritual.
Episode 2 - "Virgin Road"
Oh, so "virgin road" is not the same as "otome road." Good to know. Virgin Road is what the Japanese call the wedding aisle. Otome Road is a shopping district in Ikebukuro catering to the outre tastes of female otaku.
An extended flashback gave some strong hints at Mirei's past and how she knew how to do all those "things" to Mamori to turn her into a weapon.
Suffice it to say, this is not Mirei's first rodeo. She's got a backstory, a rumor of a nickname (Soldier), a former partner sure to bring drama to their next meeting and "skills" in bringing out the best in her weapon partner.
Our first bad girl knows how to make an entrance.
Even serious red glasses girl Kasumi thinks Charlotte takes things too far.
I got serious Cross Ange vibes from all the girls with super powers trapped on this island. Different strokes for different folks, I guess, when it comes to sexual arousal.
Uh oh. Mamori's yuri switch got flipped.
Her knight in shining armor wasn't supposed to be a girl!
I don't know why Kasumi is so deferential to Charlotte. We haven't yet gotten an explanation of Mermaid Island's hierarchy. It possible has something to do with cup size...
In a trashy show like this, you know somebody is going to tie up our main characters at some point.
I think this rope weapon girl is supposed to be Charlotte's partner and appears to be partially transformed all the time. Does this means she's perpetually horny?
This show is really rushing things and not just in a plot element kind of way. Charlotte insisted on forcing Mamori into a weapon and wielder partnership before she even knew what was going on. There's even a wedding ritual and everything! I approve of the slutty wedding dress!
Mamori's savior just had to do the princess carry.
I didn't even recognize the cowboy girl who released Mirei at first. Then I realized it was the glasses wearing kansai speaker taking side bets from last episode. It's an anime convention that people from western Japan drawl like American cowboys, so it's not a surprise that Meifon wore a slutty cowgirl outfit.
I should stop describing all the girls' outfits as "slutty." This whole show is slutty, so I'm just being redundant there.
I'm with Mamori. There is no way Mirei is supposed to be a year younger than she is.
And only 15 years old! Who knows how long ago her fighting past was, but that means she was doing all those sexy time things with another girl before her fifteen year old self got to this slutty island. Oops. I said "slutty" again.
This show is not even slowing down in showing off its NSFW side.
Oh no, you can't just daintily ask the new girl to slip into something more comfortable.
Well, I don't think that wedding dress was more comfortable, but it's not like Mamori had a choice after her only outfit was shredded.
Mirei had almost as much naked time as Mamori.
Okay, I totally understand Meifon's curiosity about Mirei's boobs.
I mean, they were just right there!
Mamori also got some rough handling. Besides PLOT, there was a reason for this wedding night scene.
The first episode mentioned some kind of compatibility between partners. Here, we saw Mamori forcibly reject her appointed partner. Possibly because she already bonded with Mirei by her first kiss. I have to say their second kiss showed that practice makes perfect. Yowza!
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