Friday, March 21, 2008

Helmety Online Celebrity

Media treat celebrities a bit rough these days. I'm not talking about the fawning interviews and all the swag venues provide for them. I'm talking about the media gathering info on them for the fans. From stalker paparazzi selling pictures and video so fans can be vicarious stalkers, to just plain old stalkers. In the online world, though, fans of people's work aren't necessarily positive fans. Why? Because the anonymity of the web allows anyone to be a critic. So, mixed in with gushing pleasantries can be harsh critiques of the most arcane matters pertaining to the "celebrity." If you remember the Saturday Night Live skits of Trekkies meeting William Shatner, you have a good idea what cyberpersonalities go through everytime they meet an "adoring fan." Here's a representative sample of what one machinima creator goes through when meeting other gamers in Halo 3. The language is also representative of online behavior, so yeah, there's lots of real naughty language, not like that comic page cussing at all.

"Okay, you're starting to piss me off. I respect your opinion, and all that crap, but why the hell not?"

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