Friday, February 29, 2008

Helmety Debate

Have you ever tried to contribute to a gamers' online forum? Mixed in with the strong emotions about the most trivial things about gameplay, are the horrible mispellings and mangled grammar we've come to expect from l33t speak and lolcatz. What's hard to figure out, though, is whether these kids are doing it on purpose, or are actually functionally illiterate. Well, functionally semi-literate, since they can read; it's the writing that will expose them as drooling mental midgets. Now, imagine one of those conversations with a keyboard drooler and an older gamer who finds it normal to spell correctly and write in complete sentences. Okay, now imagine that conversation read out by a couple of speech synthesizers. Oh yes, hilarity ensues. (Very strong language content warning, even if it does sound like Stephen Hawking having a frustrating day.)


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