Monday, October 09, 2023

Uma Musume - Pretty Derby S3 - Episode 1 - Kitasan Black Pain Wince

Satono Diamond is always ready with a Band-Aid for the clumsy yet helpful Kitasan Black.

The horse girl with the hot feet at the beginning of the racing season is Duramente. She has a mean sprint that Kitasan Black can't counteract. Sakura Bakushin-o keeps trying to recruit Kitasan Black into her school of sprinting with her team. But Kitasan Black has already joined the loveable winners and oddballs of Team Spica.

Kitasan Black is Tokai Teiou's biggest fan. We met the younger versions of Satono Diamond and Kitasan Black during the Uma Musume - Pretty Derby second season. All the girlfriends are back but will only be there for jokes. I expect Special Week to eat many carrots.

Kitasan Black is a middle-distance runner with no sprint, so the coach trained her to maintain a high pace for the longer track of the Derby race. I want to mention Hishi Akebono in the background doing heavy squats. But Kitasan Black forgot to dose her effort and had no response to Duramente's strong kick.

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