Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Goblin Slayer S2 - Episode 1 - Cow Girl Runs Up

How welcoming a sight is Cow Girl bouncing into view to greet her childhood friend? She even claims to be his wife!

The Goblin Slayer S2 opening and ending themes remind you of Goblin Slayer's friends and party members. Especially Priestess.

Priestess is happy to see new adventurers enter the guild when it's been a year already since her joining. Goblin Slayer is the same as ever. A brash newcomer wizard wants to kill goblins and is poised for harsh lessons. Goblin Slayer still watches out for fellow guildmembers, even letting him sleep at his childhood friend's farm. These two plot threads come together when the guild refuses to upgrade Priestess's adventurer rank. Female Knight suggests the sophomore healer lead a party with the unlikeable wizard to kill some goblins. Will we discover the wizard boy is a wizard girl? I'm confident the goblins will let us know.

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