Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha - Episode 4 - Zenia Photo Album

Maou tried to convince Max to date lovely female demons. First up in the photo album: Zenia!

Zenia took nice pictures for her demoness dating profile, but Max already knows her well. Even if he keeps the "wholesome" girl from drinking, Zenia gets a firm refusal from him.

Maou talked up other demon girls, like the orc Rebecca and the snake woman Destelle, but they still needed to meet Max's requirements. At least look like a human! Unfortunately for Max, Zenia was the best match. Still a no.

Max wants an intelligent lady, a good cook, and a sexy body in one package. Maou knows who fits the bill: herself! She can perform math and prepares delicious meals, and her JK form entices any male human in her vicinity. Then things got awkward between the Hero and the Demon Lord.

What about the employment package and benefits if a demon dating pool won't convince Max to join Maou's demon army? Zenia's visual aids and stunning posterior made a persuasive pitch, but not enough for Max's independent streak. Maou and Zenia would support the Hero in whatever he figured out to do for gainful employment.

Zenia, who lives next door, heard that Max had become a live streamer on "PooTube." Maou saw how poorly his videos gathered viewers, so she helped him in her JK form. The slowly increasing suggestiveness of Maou's behavior, from eating a popsicle to slowly removing her top, quickly drew thousands for an audience. But the underboob was too much! The video hosting site quickly banned her account.

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