Tuesday, July 25, 2023

TenPuru - Episode 3 - Mia Akemitsu Tangle Twister

After sharing stories of their sex-obsessed pasts, Akemitsu and Mia promised to help each other reinvent themselves. With Twister?

What is this odd interpretation? Mia thinks Akemitsu already “beat” Yuzuki and Tsukuyo. At what? Instead of making Akemitsu move out of the temple, Mia wants to castrate him! Was that an option? Akemitsu is surprisingly amenable. The other girls, not so much. Where are the Aoba sisters going? They’ll be suspiciously absent when Mia and Akemitsu hash things out “with their fists.” Oh, finally. Kagura introduced herself to Akemitsu. Are we only on the second day of TenPuru since he arrived at the temple? Mia’s version of Japanese folklore is quite a mishmash. 百人一首 (ひゃくにんいっしゅ, hyakunin isshu) is a pack of 100 poems by 100 poets. It is not a story about a samurai killing one person to save 100 people. The most dangerous thing about hyakunin isshu is a paper cut.

Could Kagura have deliberately confused Mia with 一蹴 (いっしゅう, isshuu — defeating handily)? Mia’s attendant has a mischievous streak. And Akemitsu’s duel with Mia ended happily. Two oppai in the hands is worth more than one slice of the nuts. TenPuru wisdom. So Akemitsu won, but what was his prize for winning the duel? Staying at the temple? Kagura insists on a penalty for her mistress. So many to choose from inside the Collection of Penances. Are those made up too? The one Kagura cited doesn’t sound like a punishment for horny girls. Akemitsu wants that book! Ah. Comedy comes from a misunderstanding, again. The redheaded young man already partook of Mia’s boobs. Does she think her magnificent mammaries awakened a rutting beast?

Time for night-time operations. Mia keeps her promises! But Akemitsu wanted the book... TenPuru supplies the worst (best) penance ever! Oppai suffocation! It’s okay to give in to temptation because no one is watching. Right? Wrong! Kagura is a handful.

Ha! She locked Akemitsu and Mia inside the storage shed. Oh. It’s time for Mia to explain why she’s at the temple. She’s as big a horndog as Akemitsu! The Christoph family women all have twin tails and own sex slaves. That home atmosphere warped Mia’s vocabulary, so she said odd things, like wanting a “hundred lovers” instead of a hundred friends. Kagura was her only friend growing up. Kagura suggested they study Zen Buddhism in Japan, so the weirdly erotically obsessed pair arrived at the nunnery. Then Akemitsu ruined her plans to reinvent herself.

The sex-possessed bosom buddies can support each other’s therapy. I guess. Akemitsu has an ally of justice at the temple! Mia favors “plot” more than “justice,” but at least she can make her first male friend. Kagura approves! Now, then can play “penance” games all night long! Like Twisted Twister! Unfortunately, Yuzuki did not accept these “grappling” games.

Enough of Mia’s origin story. What about Yuzuki’s arranged marriage meeting that Akemitsu hilariously destroyed in the first TenPuru episode? Postponement and Yuzuki’s late! But why is Akemitsu going with her? What is going on here? Huh. The dude has worked many jobs but still has terrible luck. They missed the bus, borrowed a moped that ran out of gas, then climbed into the back of a panel van. How? None of this makes any sense. Even the imaginary third sister explaining how dumb the pervy first sister is would not be enough. Then we end on a cliffhanger where Yuzuki will undress in front of Akemitsu. Sure. Why not?

The end credits have a new song again. Mia and Kagura are the stars.

Next time, Yuzuki ends up in a love hotel. With whom? Taking a shower. And taking a shower with whom? Oh, you know who.

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