Sunday, December 11, 2022

Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman - Episode 10 - Akari Bouncy Looking

Akari wore her revealing bikini to the beach for Jirou, so he better look at the sexy swimsuit!

The cliffhanger last week was Shiori pointing to a castle-themed love hotel. The gag punchline was she only wanted to build a sand castle where the sand was better. Kamo noted that bending and leaning over was the best way to sneak looks at Mei and Shiori as their swimsuits showed off their skin. Jirou and Shiori relived a childhood moment of holding hands in a sand castle tunnel. Akari felt left out.

Akari had her cliche moment of sketchy dudes trying to pick her up at the beach. Jirou "saved" her by proclaiming she was his wife! That made Akari's heart race! Then Jirou ruined the moment by apologizing for calling her his wife when he couldn't think of something else. Akari's confused feelings of affection for Jirou are getting worse.

Naked girl talk in a hot bath is the best. Both Shiori's and Akari's thoughts of boyfriends center on Jirou. Drama! Mei talked about trying to get one more moment of eye contact as the basis for romantic feelings. Natsumi and Sachi loved her for that!

Akari hated that Jirou couldn't call her by her first name in front of their friends. As if he was ashamed of her. Later, when she called him out to look at her sexy swimsuit on the beach, she made it clear that she wanted him to look at her. Jirou explained that background characters like him worry about how other people talk about high-status people like Akari. She doesn't care about that. Just look at her boobs when she wants you to!

Then Mei and Shiori interrupted Jirou and Akari's cutely sexy argument. Akari dragged him into a hidden compartment below some stairs. The cramped space, hot air, and bare skin checked off the "hidden sex" tag for this season of Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman. Jirou asked Akari to prove she wanted him to look at her, even her private parts. Jirou then objectively proved he likes looking at her.

Like all cockteasing fanservice shows, Jirou passed out from the dreaded heatstroke of the beach, hot bath, and cramped space. No satisfaction for Akari! The girls got their revenge for love troubles by scaring the jeepers out of their work buddies. The boys had never seen night facial masks before!


  1. While Akari did take the initiative to speak to Jirou, she should have told him how she felt. If you like someone, or are at least interested in them, you have to make the move as soon as possible. Otherwise it'll be too late. She also has to be direct rather than indirect - some guys are dense.

  2. Akari es increíblemente encantadora. Casi al nivel de Kitagawa Marín.

  3. Hey guys, hola! Thanks for coming by my little blog! ¡Gracias! Akari joins the elite gals with a heart of gold in anime.


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