Restoration Plan No. 4 – “Saurva Never Slips Up?”
The Great Jahy must have been amazing because even her enemies respect her fearsome power. The next demon to find Jahy in the human world, Saurva, thought she deserved to be the Dark Realm’s Number Two. Why? Because she’s more intelligent than Jahy. Unfortunately for Saurva, misfortune followed each of her attempts to defeat Jahy. It was tremendously horrible luck! It was so terrible that Jahy never suspected that her minion wanted to attack her.
Strangely and comedically, Saurva’s misfortune continues in the human world of The Great Jahy. I wonder if there’s an inverse relation between luck and a demon’s relative power. Jahy, in her tall, beautiful mode, appears to avoid all the bad luck her small, cute form does. Meanwhile, Druj found fantastic fortune in the human world when she was only strong enough for an attendant’s role in the Demon Lord’s Castle. Was Jahy an exception where her immense store of mana protected her against misfortune? It didn’t save her from the Magical Girl who destroyed the Dark Realm, though.
Jahy does have one piece of good luck in the human world. Her demonic reputation grants her benefits when other former demons find her. Druj is an accessible but expensive source of praise when Jahy’s ego needs stroking. Saurva is so cautious around Jahy, she causes her own defeats. Saurva even thinks a plausible way of attacking Jahy is to damage her reputation! However, Jahy’s name is mud in the human world. Her former subordinates don’t consider that the Great Jahy could also suffer indignities. Jahy’s pride and reputation will continue to be sources of comedy for the series.
Somebody’s jealous! The demons call the Great Jahy “Number Two,” in English. Is that her specific title in the Dark Realm? Meet the Magnificent Saurva! Another demoness, wearing shorty shorts. Military-style! This girl tried to usurp Jahy in hell many times but never got close. Literally! She never got close enough to her because of bad luck. Random explosions and lava eruptions are bad luck, yes? Ah. Jahy likes big dogs. The Magnificent Saurva considers herself more capable than Jahy. How does she know that? She also assumes Jahy has a massive mana crystal in the human world. Saurva relies on chemistry and curses. Is Saurva ready? She had better be because Jahy is right there!
Ha. Jahy still likes big dogs. Well, the dog isn’t so big compared to her Great Jahy form, but she befriended it in her Chibi Jahy form. Kids, performance-enhancing drugs are bad. ‘Mkay? A buffing potion is okay in a videogame, so I’ll allow it. Ach! Just commit, girl! Saurva’s weakness is hesitation and second-guessing. She doesn’t have the self-confidence the Great Jahy has. Oh, no... Yes, yes! Lick up the puddle of magic potion. Just clear the broken glass first. Ha! Hahahaha! The dog got there first! Big dog! Good dog! Jahy’s big dog attacks Saurva again. Har. The crowd says a giant dog is attacking a cosplayer. Where’s the lie?
The Magnificent Saurva tries again. Oh, dear. Saurva wants to damage Jahy’s reputation? It’s already in the gutter in this town. Do some recon, research, and intelligence gathering! It’s no wonder the demons lost. Welp, this is one way to make up for Jahy’s lack of screen time. Funnily enough, Jahy does all the lame things Saurva imagines will ruin her reputation. I have questions about how the Great Jahy’s strappy outfit works too. What’s going on underneath those hotpants? It’s not so easy being Jahy, is it, Saurva?
And bad luck strikes again. Landlady shows up right on time. This is how bad Jahy’s reputation is. Everything Saurva imagines, Jahy has already done. Hee! The Great Jahy doesn’t need to pay rent this month. And then Saurva runs right into the final boss: the Store Manager! Saurva’s imagination is so tiny. It’s hilarious how petty these small slights are. We see from how well she plays Jahy the Waitress that Saurva must have been quite good at taking orders in the Dark Realm. She’s proud of how helpful she was! Saurva is building up Jahy’s reputation. What kind of demons are these girls? The Store Manager utterly defeated Saurva. This doesn’t look like bad luck to me. Oh, right! Good question. What happened to Jahy? There’s your real misfortune: she overslept! If Saurva hadn’t taken her shift, the Jahy would have missed out on a day’s worth of money. Saurva’s still helping her former Number Two.
Part two for The Great Jahy. Jahy needs one week to make it to payday on only three hundred and six yen (currently USD 2.78). Battling crows, fighting impulse control, and trying to impress Druj are expensive. Hahahaha! Jahy’s skull has those little hair tufts that look like ears! The Great Jahy starts a quest to find more money.
Ugh. I see where this is going. The worst thing to do when you’re hungry is grocery shopping. Jahy will lose all her money on snacks at market row. Not even a minute into the scene, Jahy bought a croquette. Her fight right now is against temptation, but she lacks the weapon of impulse control. Tsukune is a Japanese ground chicken sausage. It’s delicious! What will take Jahy’s last hundred yen? Ah, crap. It was a meat rice bun! There’s no way to win against that!
The Great Jahy is not so great at the Maou Izakaya. The Store Manager sees her struggling and offers an advance on her paycheck. Jahy didn’t know she could ask for that! She collapsed, crying into the Store Manager’s chest like Saurva did.
Ooh. Another omake. This time Landlady is a fearsome editor making mangaka Jahy-sensei finish on time. Disaster is the order of the day, of course. Jahy-sensei’s T-shirt says “deadline.” This better not be autobiographical from Konbu Wakame. Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory! Jahy-sensei wa Kujikeru! Next time, “The Great Jahy Will Not Be Suspicious?!” We’ll see about that.
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