Episode 11 – “What Do You Think, Senpai? / You Could Be More Honest, Senpai ❤”
Nagatoro-san revealed Miss President to be a complex character. She showed that she does care about Senpai’s art. She offered advice and instruction on his painting for the school festival. However, it wasn’t personal advice. She appears not to care about Senpai as a person. That’s what made her declaration of how to make his artwork more successful so shocking. She declared he needed love!
This statement that love needs to shine through one’s art sounds like Nagatoro-san takes the anime cliché of food tasting better when it’s made with love and applies it to art. Miss President admitted she only loves herself, though, through her choice in art subjects. She painted herself last year, and she’s making another self-portrait for this year. That’s in contrast to what, or who, Senpai should put in his painting.
Miss President is also an observant and passionate person. While she might only love herself, at least she recognizes when someone loves another. She ordered Senpai to run after Nagatoro and make her the subject of his painting. For love! No one else in Nagatoro-san has openly said that Senpai loves Nagatoro. That takes guts. Miss President is a formidable woman, just like Senpai claimed.
Funny. Miss Nagatoro makes an impression of Miss President. Nailed it! Oho. Nagatoro’s jealousy eyes picked up on Senpai being assertive about Miss President. She was correct about the other girls goofing off in the art room during last week’s Nagatoro-san episode. Senpai and Nagatoro were doing genuine art club stuff, though, but he still included himself in the shenanigans. Senpai considers himself part of the Nagatoro Family! Gamo-chan suggests a nekomimi maid café could show his art and get votes to beat Miss President that way.
Uh oh. The art club exhibit came in sixth last year. Gamo-chan is in the martial arts club. When did this happen? So, how did the art club do so well? Because Miss President painted herself in the nude! Baby got back! And front! Sakura commented that Miss President will “kill some virgins.” I have no argument with Nagatoro-san here. It’s “art,” so the high school allowed it. Nagatoro doesn’t believe anything Senpai says about “solid foundation of life drawing skills” or “masterful command of the oil medium.” Miss President got back! And front! Nagatoro doesn’t have as much back or front to compete with Miss President. The Nagatoro Family can volunteer to make up the difference!
Whoa! Senpai stood up for Nagatoro! The tan skinfang girl has her own charms. But how to draw out that charm? Cosplay! Nagatoro needs to thank her sewing club friends for respecting artistic expression. Hahaha! There’s a demon king costume from the Nagatoro-san beach episode! Hohoho. It’s the anti-virgin costume! Okay. Attack on Titan reference. Senpai has an inkling of a theme for how to draw Nagatoro. His starting point is “the everyday” occurrence.
Finally! Senpai can draw Nagatoro in her swimsuit! He’s not feeling it. Nekotoro? Not good. Nagatoro the Muse will do anything for her artist! In a drop cloth, that is. Senpai is in a funk. He didn’t show any reaction to Gamo-chan groping Nagatoro. Senpai wants to protect Nagatoro by not dragging her image down with him. She didn’t like that language. Drama!
The eye-catches make a big deal of Miss President’s measurements compared to Miss Nagatoro’s.
Things get serious in the second of Nagatoro-san. Miss President works on her art piece on her side of the art club room. Senpai goes back to painting a boring still life. Technically proficient, but no passion. Ha. Even Miss President calls it dull. She’s dressed for success. It looks like another naked self-portrait. Miss President acts as a sincere club president when she offers advice and teaching. She says an art piece meant for a large audience needs love! Senpai needs a subject that he can show his passion for! And more drama! Nagatoro got the wrong idea, and Senpai needs to run after her. For love! Does Miss President want to disband the art club, or doesn’t she?
Hey, good thing Nagatoro made Senpai run in last week’s Nagatoro-san episode. Here we go. Senpai thinks of all the moments Nagatoro’s hair had hyper detail, or she reached out to him. Those were his favorite “everyday” scenes. Oops. She fell. Wow. He caught her. Big love confession! And they fell in because Nagatoro couldn’t handle her feelings for Senpai yet. Stop calling him “creepy” already. These two have gotten wet together before. Okay, she can keep calling him “creepy” since it’s just how she shows him affection.
Epilogue time for Nagatoro-san. Senpai is confident about the subject of his art piece. It will be a thing “you notice in ordinary times.” Like, how cute Nagatoro is! Wait, what? He said that out loud and so casually. Alpha-Senpai strikes again! Look! She’s not hitting him with her boneless arms! She wants to hear him say that again!
Ooh. Cliffhanger. What is Miss President talking to the Student Council President about?
Next time, it’s the school festival and Nagatoro-san season finale. Miss President becomes Miss Bunny Girl!
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