Saturday, October 05, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Machikado Mazoku - Episode 11 - Metako Chases Shamiko

Shamiko had a more difficult time in Momo's dream world when she encountered Metako in his Metatron Angel form guarding Momo's soul.

Lilith encouraged Yuuko to try influencing Momo in her dream world again, but the landscape was totally different than last time and Metako was guarding Momo's mind. Shamiko found a novel way to distract Metako and found a lucid-dreaming Momo expecting her.

Momo realized that Yuuko's mom Seiko knew a lot more about demon lords, magical girls, and even the previous the magical girl protecting the city, Momo's own sister-in-law Sakura. Seiko revealed a great many things about Yuuko, where her father is, and how they're all related to Sakura's disappearance ten years ago.

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