Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Tejina-senpai - Episode 1 - Assistant-kun Applauds

Tejina-senpai's escape trick didn't work out how she wanted, but Assistant-kun very much appreciated the end results.

Tejina-senpai is a magical girl but in the sense of a magician girl. She's got bad stage fright, her tricks never work, she ends up in embarrassing situations, but she still tries so hard. Her assistant, Assistant-kun, joins mainly for the eye candy. He's definitely a man of culture.

Assistant-kun has to join a club and chances upon the Magic Club, which has taken over the chemistry class prep room. Tejina-senpai immediately messes up her trick and vomits from acute stage fright. She only had an audience of one. Meanwhile, Assistant-kun decides to see how her escape trick will work out, and it works out even better than he imagined.

Tejina-senpai has totally latched on to Assistant-kun. He can even do simple sleight-of-hand tricks, which makes Tejina-senpai jealous. He's forced into helping her try to recruit more members to the Magic Club, but things turn out as you would expect for our clumsy magician.

Tejina-senpai keeps up her hard sell on signing up Assistant-kun, first by baking his stolen house key into some melon bread. She's a good cook, which is surprising for a clumsy girl. But Assistant-kun needs to wash that bread down with something, and he will not accept the rolled up newspaper for a cup of milk. Somehow, that milk made him clear his throat properly.

Assistant-kun has resigned himself to hanging out in the Magic Club room, because Tejina-senpai would just chase him down anyway. She brings her special partner, a white dove, to show off even more magic tricks. Unfortunately, Bahamut (the bird's name), does not reciprocate Tejina-senpai's special bond. He is smart enough to go for where the birdseed is kept instead of eating from her hand. This leads to Tejina-senpai's newest trick - Birthing a Pigeon.

The end credits are spoiler rich for the rest of the season, showing off the other girls, their sexy outfits, and how their failed magic tricks put them in suggestive situations.

I can't wait to see how Tejina-senpai ended up with a chainsaw. I hope she's not going to cut Assistant-kun in half.

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