Thursday, July 04, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Sounan desu ka? - Episode 1 - Homare Bats a Flying Fish

A flying fish is no match for Homare's stickball skills. That's a solid base hit.

The survival procedural comedy short of the season... (There's usually one a season, right? No? Okay, then.) This... show plays a pun in its title, since sounan (遭難) means shipwreck, but the question also sounds like "Is that so (そうなんですか)?" Apparently, the girls will follow main character Homare's lead in using survival skills. There might be singing and dancing to pass the time.

You saw above how Homare hit that flying fish down to the wreckage the girls are lying on. But it wasn't to it. It was to drink. The other girls didn't want to go through that messy, bloody procedure, but they also didn't want Homare's other contribution.

The girls swam to shore and the audience is not going to miss out on any of the angles showcasing the girls', ah, service to the cause of survival.

The girls introduced themselves to each other because they were all in different classrooms on their school trip when whatever happened, happened. Asuka is sporty, Shion is glamorous, and Mutsu is smart. Homare eats locusts when she can. That's important later.

First order of business is to get water, since Mutsu is already feeling the effects of dehydration. She can't even wet her tongue. Homare can help, since she's already had some water from the flying fish. Mutsu's first kiss tasted of grasshopper.

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