Ren's heart is too pure. She keeps getting flustered by Yua's teasing.
It's Valentine's Day and Yua gave Ren chocolate at school, but she didn't have anything for Yua. Winning a weird toy at the arcade and tying a red ribbon bow on it should assuage her guilty feelings and make Yua happy.
Yua continues her yuri S/M teasing of Ren by wall slamming and telling her that the best present for Valentine's Day would have been Ren herself.
Ren got a bad idea of wrapping herself in red ribbon to tease Yua as her real present. With the way Ren tangled herself up in bed, it was going to be Yua doing all the teasing.
Oh yes. Yua is totally going to help Ren out of that tangled ribbon. Eventually.
Ren features again in the end card after several weeks of Homi hogging the spotlight.
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