Monday, July 15, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Miru Tights - Episode 10 - Homi Puts Rui's Head in Lap

Homi wants to clean her little brother's ears and she won't take no for an answer.

Rui-kun has excellent taste in erotic art books, at least the artist of this series would think so. Hilariously, the pictures he's looking at both refer to ear cleaning and his big sister Homi's swimsuit and tights episode.

Homi just barged in and gave the most self-centered reason for cleaning her little brother's ears. Usually, this procedure is a sign of familial affection, but Homi said she just cleaned her own ears and was left unsatisfied. She must not have found large gobs to pick.

Too late, Rui realized he was enjoying the feeling of his sister's thighs too much because he was thinking about that art book too much. Homi is giving her little brother a hard time, in many ways!

Homi gets to be in the end card again. Maybe when the other artists found out she was in the swimming club, they got very inspired.

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