Sunday, July 14, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? - Episode 2 - Hibiki Reacts

Hibiki discovered the very common side effect of strength training for beginners - weight gain!

Working out and going to the gym was supposed to be Hibiki's solution to her recent weight gain. She did not want to see the weight scale go up!

Macho Man explained how muscle is denser than fat and how crash diets are worse for losing weight than just exercising and eating a balanced diet. Hibiki nodded and Akemi gave her support and they both just ignored Macho Man destroying his suit again.

The exercise video started up again as Akemi explained using the lat machine for muscular endurance, meaning lower weights but more reps. It's the balance of getting shredded vs. swole. Hibiki definitely wants to avoid getting swole. Then there was the obligatory shower scene before they hit the protein bar for proper post-workout nutrition.

Hibiki's metabolism and activity level have definitely increased because she didn't want to lie around on her day off like she usually does, so Akemi suggested they go to the pool. This must be the pool at Silverman's Gym, because all these muscled beauties were there. Track cyclist, martial artist, and judo fighter all flexed by the water.

Akemi also warned Hibiki against stretching and instructed her on warming up and dynamic stretching for muscles.

Hibiki and Ayaka watched Commando movies starring "Harnnold Dogegenchonegger," which is obviously Arnold Schwarzenegger. We learned what Ayaka's family business was from her older sister. It's a boxing gym for world champions!

We saw Ayaka's abs in the opening credits and Hibiki found out how she got them. That is a hell of a sit-up! Ayaka decided to let Hibiki try the dolphin plank for beginners.

The revelation of the episode was that Hibiki found out what she's good at physically. It's destroying punching bags! Ayaka's sister wants to make her a world champion, for starters. For starters?

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