Thursday, July 05, 2018

Omake Gif Anime - UQ Holder! - OAD 3 - Karin No Love Spell

Karin realized that all of feelings of affection toward Touta were actually genuine when Yukihime told her she hadn't eaten chocolate with a love spell in it after all.

This special episode focuses on Karin. The second one featured Touta and Kirie stuck in time for hundreds of years, so it's obviously Karin-senpai's turn to be all reluctant about her fascination with the harem leader.

The "plot" involved Touta eating some chocolate with a love spell and telling all his friends and colleagues how much he loved them. Karin ate one too, so she had to take the punishment of stealing candy with him.

As Touta and Karin were stuck inside Yukihime's discipline dimension, Karin got agitated about her feelings of love toward Touta, so everything turned into a big fight. Well, it turned out Karin wasn't under a love spell like Touta, so it was a big shock to her.

Kirie and Karin, the girls who can't accept how they feel about Touta, needed some downtime in the spa and to show off the barbie doll nudity. Mizore literally threw Touta in this soup of roiled emotions and he got shot straight to the Moon, or close to it. Camo the ermine came back for some censorship, but he still hasn't shown up for real in the show. Oh well.

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