Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Finds from the Grind - Rainy Riverside and Griffith Park

A rainy ride along river paths and through Griffith Park on 3/10/2018.

Another week, another rainy ride. Except it wasn't. Wasn't a rainy week, that is. It actually didn't rain once, wasn't cold, and wasn't even blustery all week. Until Saturday morning. In fact, there was only a chance of rain that morning. I had packed my rain gear just in case it started dumping on me, but just as I was about to step outside the house - rain. So I started my ride a bit later because I had to put all my rain gear on. Great.

At least I was able to make my first visitation of the year to Yakko, Wakko, and Dot's house, though they still never come out to say hi.

As for how my fitness is progressing, I took a look at my stats from my workouts this year and compared them to when I had similar times last year, and I'm exactly on the same pace. Until this week. I'm now posting similar times to my average top fitness levels. Which is freaky, because I'm nowhere near going as fast up the climbs as I do when I'm actually fit. What this means is that I'm faster on the flats, right now, than I was during last year's peak fitness levels. And again, this is freaky, because I can see that I'm not even approaching my top speeds at top efforts yet. I'm even still spinning in an easier gear! But my average speed on the flats and false flats is already matching my fast and fit speeds from last Summer. This is good news for when I finally hit the peak power levels for climbing and means my training strategy for this year is looking very promising.

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