Monday, January 01, 2018

Omake Gif Anime - UQ Holder! - OAD 1 - Jinbei Hits Touta Homerun

Jinbei overdid it with Touta's sword training, as usual. Don't worry. Touta found a soft landing.

Girl talk in the hot springs for the OAD? Yes, please! Of course the girls are discussing Touta and how to foist Kuromaru onto him so Karen and kiriE don't have to fall completely in love with him.

This conversation took place pretty much right after the events of the final episode. Yukihime had said to herself that Touta was 500 years too late to ask her to marry him. Now we find out what she meant.

Through a time traveling extra magical dimension, Touta found himself training in the past when Evangeline first became a vampire. Evangeline has only loved three men in her long life, but Nagi Springfield was not the first. Touta was!

After all that nice reminiscing about first love, the conversation had to turn back to the focus of all this love talk. Touta joined the conversation too, in his own special way.

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