Sunday, January 21, 2018

10 Second Anime - Dagashi Kashi S2 - Episode 2

A Summer typhoon becomes a good excuse for the kids to sleep over at Kokonotsu's house.

Episode 2 - "Baseball Board Game Gum, Pop-Pop Boat, and..."


We got no linkage to the overall plot hinted at in the first episode, but it's clear this framed narrative device is how we'll get to the two snack infomercials with comedy gags per episode. The frame this week was a typhoon that allowed the kids to spend the day indoors and to make jokes about idiots wanting to go outside and brave the elements. We had three such idiots this week. You just had to leave and then get caught out, but it also meant Hotaru and Tou found themselves at Kokonotsu's house.

And So.

Let's talk about this episode! Also the "de, de" eye catch is back to normal fanciness.

Kokonotsu Future Casino Mogul.

That baseball gum machine works just like a pachinko machine. Getting the kids hooked early!

Saya even called Kokonotsu sneaky for getting the kids to play again and again. He said he just likes the kids' smiling faces... He won't think of anything but the money getting plunked down when he gets older, I'm sure.

And Hotaru got hooked on pushing that button.

She was another idiot going out in a typhoon.

"Mochi no ron!" Ha! There it is!

Again, we see how much You and Hotaru think alike. At least he put on a rain slicker. He is a more experienced idiot...

Nice Boat.

Of course Saya and Hotaru are going to get naked together after the adult leaves...

Meh. Steam everywhere with Barbie Doll nudity. I'll still take it though.

Oho! "Mochi mochi no ron!" Hotaru's quirky way of saying "mochiron (もちろん - of course)" just cracks me up.

Not surprisingly, Tou wants to peek at Hotaru's boobs. He's already seen them though. I guess he's greedy, just like every other horny male teenager.

We got a short male bonding scene between Kokonotsu and Tou. Over boobs, of course. Last time around, their scenes together were really drawn out. Saya put a stop to this one pretty quickly.

I suppose it's not a big deal to play with fire in the bath tub, but there's no way a toy using fire could sell in America these days.

Hotaru's theme of the day must have been water and typhoon inspired. Normally she would share her candy facts with Kokonotsu, but she couldn't do that with this Pop-Pop Boat. Not at their current ages, anyway. Maybe in the future?

I'm going to have wait another decade before I stop seeing references to how important an indirect kiss is.

So, You drowned his cellphone, but why is it a problem for him to go back home since he made it as far as Tamai's restaurant? Did the Typhoon get strong enough that You doesn't want to run around outside anymore?

Still no sign of the dashing man and mousy lady. Maybe next week.

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