The other zaibatsu waste no time in gathering intel, through violence and diplomacy, on Hitomi and her sponsor Nomoto.
2nd Bite - "Damn, I just might fall for you"
Apparently, this Honey Badger Brute upsets the balance of the zaibatsu. So they say...
Well, technically, every episode has had nudity so far, but they just recycled last week's flasher scene in the recap overlap. That doesn't count! But it's much appreciated.
Hitomi has good fighting tactics. She maneuvered that porcupine lady right where she wanted her.
Why is a porcupine named Rowdy? I could figure out Brute Leo for lion, but Brute Rowdy for Porcupine? Anyway, Ryoko has nice abs for an older lady...
Porcupine lady should have checked the body to make sure she got her. Oh well.
Honey Badger pelt is too tough for quills. People should have known this by now.
Ryoko grows bra and pants for her porcupine form, but Hitomi does not. Is there a system for this, or is it just the character designer's whimsy?
Slash. Just slash.
OMG. That is totally a fat Hugh Jackman! If this guy doesn't turn into a sumo version of a wolverine, I'm really going to be pissed.
Nomoto had good points about murder being committed in the open without cleanup crew handy. Honey Badger may not care, but she does have to calm down.
So, one zaibatsu went straight to killing the new Brute, while another went straight to begging, er, negotiation. When new Brutes come around from Shindou's lab, are they independent agents who need to be recruited, or how does this work?
I like this Sumo Logan, uh, Ichinosuke already.
Ha! Nomoto is only now figuring out that Hitomi is the stuck-up bitch type from high school? Well, he's had a rough couple of hours. Honey Badger Don't Care!
Welp, Ichinosuke is kind of family now. Shidou texted Nomoto that they'll accept his zaibatsu's offer as contractors so they can enter official matches.
Ichinosuke thinks that Nomoto has some influence on Honey Badger, but it's too early for that. Nomoto just showed his phone with Shidou's name on it to calm Hitomi down. Ichinosuke will be correct in a couple of episodes, I'm sure.
Aw. The guitar solo eye catches are the same.
Well, of course Nomoto has an otaku friend. This anime knows its audience way too well. And otaku just has to talk like a samurai too. It's his Akihabara style...
Man, this guy is laugh riot. Also, his idea of 2D high school girls are versions of Eruza, Ui, and Hitomi!
Ahahaha! Hitomi doesn't understand the point of college lectures. The college students don't know either!
Cheetah girl! Hitomi notes she's from the same zaibatsu as porcupine lady. First a flasher, then a voyeur!
Now begins the game of keep-away with Hitomi's panties. Very valuable prize!
Ha ha! Eruza loves Hitomi's hardass attitude. Honey Badger Don't Care! She's the one who says the episode title! Hitomi is obviously a tough girl gang leader and Eruza will be her first little sister. That's how these girl gangs start out, don't you know.
Whoa. That's a full-on bear. That glasses guy is pretty quick too, to avoid Hitomi's attack. He'll be some kind of monkey, I suppose.
Supposedly there's a ceasefire for all mortal combat until the next big event, the Destroyal. Sounds like a portmanteau of Destroy and Battle Royale. Honey Badger don't care about no truces, and it looks like some other zaibatsu don't care so much either.
I made a better version of Hitomi's bare muscular back from the end credits.
Oshie shows up again in the omake. She's totally Hitomi's number one fan. Also, it looks like Eruza and her big brother (the tiger guy?) like the same restaurant.
Oshie shows up again in the omake. She's totally Hitomi's number one fan. Also, it looks like Eruza and her big brother (the tiger guy?) like the same restaurant.
We only have the recycled nudity from last episode, but this episode still delivers the ecchi with very detailed shots of Hitomi's crotch and panties.
Today was pink day!
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