Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Omake Gif Anime - Konohana Kitan - Episode 9 - Awanami Bubble Goddess with Ren

Ren faced a crisis when visiting goddess Awanami turned into a bunch of baby bubbles in the hotel bath.

Earlier, a guest without a reservation made an observation that Ren was heavier than Yuzu. She didn't need to hear that Natsume likes a girl with a little meat on her bones.

Another guest without a reservation soon arrived at the inn, but this one was a goddess that has a standing reservation - The goddess Awanami!

Ren got a special treat in attending such a high ranking guest, who would usually have Kiri or Satsuki take care of her. The audience got a special treat as well!

Unfortunately for Ren, Awanami chose this place to undergo her usual time of rebirth. As the goddess of bubbles, this turned into a big deal.

After catching all the baby Awanami bubbles, the goddess returned to her normal form. Each bubble had a special memory of her life, so those who got caught in one, like Yuzu, need to keep a Lady's secret.

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