Friday, September 22, 2017

Omake Gif Anime - Shingeki no Bahamut - Virgin Soul - Episode 23 - Jeanne and Azazel Fight Together

The end times must be nigh if the Angels' human champion fights back to back with the Demons' field marshal. Well, Jeanne and Azazel did this 10 years ago too.

The lady demons, especially Cerberus, were happy to see Lucifer's forces join the battle against King Charioce's military.

Jeanne seems to have gotten the hang of Sofiel's powers and staff very quickly.

Demons and Angels finally working together to bring down King Charioce. Too bad they needed to keep him alive to defeat an even greater threat. I can't believe Kaisar is dead yet. Who will be left to yell the "Favarooo!"?

Oh. There's the big bad that was supposed to be defeated 10 years ago. Charioce just accelerated his resurrection because he completed the weapon that can kill Bahamut for good. Well, I'm skeptical of that.

Favaro all by his lonesome in the end card. Kaisar's not dead. Kaisar's not dead. He and Favaro need to ride off into the sunset like last time!

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