Sunday, January 18, 2015

Anime Questions Ice Bucket Challenge!

Okay, there is no ice bucket involved with these questions, but the tagging nature of The Inspector Green Tag reminded me of the ALS ice bucket challenge from last August. Yes, I got challenged, and icy wet too. But just like then, I'll invoke my curmudgeon card (complete with rake of doom) and tell you kids to get off my lawn. However, I will happily answer your questions from my driveway.

1. When was the last time you went to a store containing anime?

Does visiting a website count? This is 2015 now. The future! If you mean an actual brick and mortar store, then the last time I was actually in a store with physical media containing anime was at a Borders Store. They went out of business already, so you know that was a long time ago. Thanks Amazon!

2. Do you usually watch anime online? On what website?

I download everything (yo ho ho!). I'm an old school anime freak and torrenting fansubs is still more convenient if I'm going to use a machine with a cpu and a video card. One day, if a streaming service ever let your DVR act like, I dunno, a DVR, this might change. But even way into the future! like we are, this hasn't happened yet.

3. First Japanese word you learned from an anime?

The first word I ever got so curious to look up was やっぱり (yappari - indeed). Don't get me started on the wild goose chase that was だってばよ (dattebayo - ???). It's a nonsensical emphasis catchphrase that literally means "I indicate emotional closeness or annoyance with someone in an authoritative voice." As if some 12 year old ninja boy has time to say that mouthful after every outburst.

4. Best animation style in your opinion?

This answer depends on the genre. For moe-blob slice of life, my eyeballs itch for KyoAni. For anything requiring ridonkulous amounts of battle action sequences, my air punches require Production I.G.

5. Best anime pet?

I've got two and it's a tie for best one. Happy from Fairy Tail (aye sir!) and Mokona from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle (aaaa-puuuu!).

6. What is the longest anime you’ve ever watched?

I'm still watching it. Naruto through Naruto Shippuuden. That's over 600 episodes... kill me now. I can't even imagine what being a One Piece fan is like. I figure Naruto has until the end of this year to finish the story from the manga. It's already weird not reading Naruto every week.

7. What is the shortest anime you’ve ever watched?

There are a couple that had only 6 episodes - FLCL and Murder Princess. Now that animation companies can throw something made on MS Paint up on the internet and call it an ONA, short series don't really mean that much anymore. Azumanga Daioh should come back and sell more DVD's this way.

8: What is your Favorite anime couple?

I'm not going to lie - I squeal like a little girl whenever Juvia goes gaga over Gray in Fairy Tail. My second favorite couple is Spiky-kun and Biri-biri (Touma and Mikoto) from the Index universe. Add in Kuroko for her Onee-sama for extra squees and laughs.
I hope these answers give you a better idea of my anime fandom history. The best question was definitely favorite pet. That opens a window into the soul of every otaku. Thanks go to Nick over at Anime Corps for the invitation to share some fun anime conversation.

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