Monday, January 19, 2015

10 Second Anime - Cross Ange - Episode 15

Cross Ange - Episode 15

10 Second Anime - Cross Ange - Episode 15 photo 10SecondAnime-CrossAnge-Episode15_zps5bf89826.gif
Ange meets the inhabitants of the True Earth and learns its relationship to her own world, Mana, and Embryo.


Well, that was quite the exposition dump. In the last two episodes, we have learned everything we need to know about what's been going on before Ange got shipped off to Arzenal. We know that Embryo started over in another dimension after ruining the original world with his use of Dragunium particles. While he set up a new world using mana, the original survivors followed the example of Aura, the first person to adapt to the Dragunium infused world. Unfortunately for Embryo, mana uses Dragunium too, and the new magic users quickly used up their own sources. Embryo kidnapped Aura and began to use her to distribute mana. Then Aura got used up, but Embryo decided to use the male dragons who collected Dragunium crystals to refill Aura's own reservoir. And that's what all the fighting is about. The people of true earth, who can take on the form of dragons have been trying to rescue their venerated elder while Embryo has been directing his new genetically modified people to collect the male dragons who cross over to resupply their mana. The ancient people, like Tusk, were the ones who were there before Embryo decided to wipe the slate clean.
A couple of things are still unanswered. First, the significance of these rings Ange and Alektra had. Were they Dragunium stones? Second, what will Ange do now? The rebels in the other dimension don't seem to know anything about another world filled with dragons. The dragons have their own agents over there still trying to rescue Aura. Will she join in the rescue? Will that align with her goal to oppose Embryo? Third, what's with the singing? We've still got quite a bit of plot to go through, and probably many more situations for Tusk and Ange to land in each other's crotch, so I'm already looking forward to the next episode.


The dragons developed quite a large dimorphism in their species.
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They tried to explain that both of them can take on human form for reproduction, but it appears that males do this very rarely. No wonder the dragon girls were all very curious about Tusk. He got a big thumbs up from Vivian for his, uh, display. "Great!"
Ange finally paid back Tusk back for all the crotch landing.
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It looks like he enjoyed that way more than Ange did. It was pretty clear from the tongue wagging and the gargling afterwards how Ange "landed" on Tusk. "Great!" Ha! I'm still chuckling at Vivian.
Ange opted for immediate retribution.
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I'm sure Tusk still enjoyed it.

Interesting that Vivian was a dragon all along. And that Ersha smells like her real mom. Is Ersha a dragon too? Does this mean that the human forms in the burn pits were the dragons after they reverted to humanoid form? Then Norma don't turn into dragons after all, but still have some kind of anti-dragunium trait? Very cool implications.

Princess Salamandine is quite the handful.

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It was nice of her to confirm that Riza was one of their agents, though it's still not clear why they need the nobles to open up singularities when the dragons could do it themselves. Maybe because they didn't know where Arzenal was or didn't have enough Dragunium power? Or the dragons didn't want to do it because it meant using their own Ragna-mails and they only wanted to send dragons across? I'd like more details on how this is working.

Next time, it looks like we're back on Arzenal with a whole bunch of dragons. This will be a great pivot point for the overall story.


Salamandine totally owned Ange.
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She threw her on the ground!

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