Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Preview Gif Anime - Sword Art Online II - Episode 2

Sword Art Online II - Episode 2

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Character profile on Sinon, the elite sniper who joins player killer teams. Game mechanics are seen in the heat of battle.


Big monsters drop big loot? What a concept! Actually, that new sniper rifle was a quest reward, so I figure we'll get more scenes similar to the first Sword Art Online where people know how tough you are from the gear you own.

The stark, faded color palette in Gun Gale Online is quite the contrast to the vibrant fantasy colors in Alfheim Online.

Sinon's switch got flipped after seeing the big tank dude smile. Strong enough to smile in a PK zone? Sinon needs to get stronger, and fast, for some reason. It's a given that the reason will be connected to the player deaths Kirito will be investigating.

Do people still hit on female characters in online games?

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I thought kids today would be sophisticated enough to know that nobody knows if you're a dog on the internet. Then again, I never went full gamer where I identified with my character. I almost always play female anyway. If I'm going to be looking at some cartoon character on screen for hours on end, it may as well be some sexy girl with a nice axe.


Dedicating almost a whole episode to a player killer mission was a great way to show how the game mechanics work, and what the motivations are for players in a game where in game gold translates to real money. Also, some of the higher level players seem to have an ability for tracking physical bullets before their fired. I'm curious to see how that works, and how Kirito is going to exploit it when he goes all melee build in a shooter oriented game.

Second Thoughts.

We still haven't started the actual story yet, so I don't know where we're going. We spent a whole episode with Kirito's future companion in the game, and I came away not hating her. The only strong statement about her so far is that she wants to win against stronger players, and will use anything to her advantage. From killing the other guy first before her health bar gives out from a missing leg, to knowing how quickly a tank character can raise a Gatling gun so she stays out of its line of fire. Serious PK is serious.

As for the rest of the game, I don't know. We've barely seen any of it, so the next episode is what will sell me on writing material.

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