Wednesday, June 11, 2014

10 Second Anime - Soul Eater Not! - Episode 10

Soul Eater Not! - Episode 10

10 Second Anime - Soul Eater Not! - Episode 10 photo 10SecondAnime-SoulEaterNot-Episode10_zps484e4f3a.gif

The cute girls make cute Jack o' Lanterns, sorta. Meme gets caught sleep-burgling. Shaura begins her reign of chaos, claiming Mr. Sid and Meme as her first victims.


We have a few moments of fua-fua time before the trifecta of loss hits Tsugumi. Her dog might die, Meme gets captured and then co-opted by Shaura, and Anya's cover gets blown as a princess and has to be separated to protect her from the chaos and violence starting to consume the town. All her best friends have been taken from her, for now, and even her indecisiveness about choosing a partner stings her because Anya does not have an official reason to bring her with her under overt protection by Clay and Akane.

It could be argued that Soul Eater Not! is just the origin story for Mr. Sid becoming an indestructible zombie. I said, could.

One big mystery surrounding Meme is that Shaura's hypnosis is not the only spell she's under. The experts have found a stronger hypnosis underneath the one Shaura put her under. That will probably be the key to fighting back against Shaura and her hypnotized minions.

We'll probably have about an episode and a half before we get back to fua-fua time. I hope it feels quicker than that.


Tsugumi's cute Jack o' Lantern versions of Meme, her, and Anya are cute, and capture themselves perfectly

Anya makes an acceptably scary pumpkin. I don't think a red ribbon can make a dent in its ugliness, though.

Kana agrees. Hopeless cause.

Omake Gif Anime - Soul Eater Not! - Episode 10 - Kana Tarot photo OmakeGifAnime-SoulEaterNot-Episode10-Tarot_zpsc1538163.gif

It's a monster. It must be banished! Don't take your joke too far, Kana, or Anya won't give you any candy when you come trick-or-treating.

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