Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Preview Gif Anime - Soul Eater Not! - Episode 1

Soul Eater Not! - Episode 1

 photo PreviewGifAnime-SoulEaterNot-Episode1_zps79e64144.gif

What if Soul Eater was a fua-fua cute girls doing cute things anime? Soul Eater Not! answers this question. Pretty well, too.


All the fun things about Death City are back. From the creepy, laughing sun, small appearances by the major characters from the original story, to the same teachers and random violence. As Mr. Sid says, "it's this kind of school, after all."

The cute girls are cute. Which means we need to have our weekly dosage of no-pan, zettai ryouiki, and accidental boob groping. Their personalities aren't very original either, with the ojousama tsundere and the air-head type as part of our weapon-meister rabu triangle, but they're not annoying.

Side characters look interesting, with a pair of background dudes who look very capable, but not looking for trouble, at least not yet. I like how one always wants to rush in to help, and the other holds him back to see if they actually need to. Even if it's just a girl negotiating a taxi ride at the airport.

Facial expressions literally made me heh. That's a good thing.

Since these are the weapons and meisters just learning how to be weapons and meisters, instead of the more experienced students we were introduced to in the original, having a halberd show up without edges was nice. Someone's Maka admiration is showing...


Incomplete weapon transformation shows up as a sword though a head. Steve Martin, call your office.


I could have done without the two punks hitting on the girls so early in the show, but it was a good enough introduction to "this kind of school." At least they were more bravado and less skilled than advertised. I look forward to what the capable looking dudes can do.


I usually don't like spin-offs in anime, and I avoided that Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya show like the plague, even though I'm a big fan of the Fate/ series. But Soul Eater has been off television for a long time, so this seems more like a nostalgic trip back to your college town after many years. The show looks good enough to blog, so we'll see how the next episode goes, when it's not introducing the main characters and the setting.

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