Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Scots Want Ban Lifted

Ever since the big British prion-infested scare a few years ago, that's the mad cow disease outbreak for those not in the know, one of Scotland's exports have been denied entry to the United States. What was that poor product? Why, none other than the main dish based on a dare*, haggis. Why sheep parts were banned from the U.S. when it was cow parts that were the problem, I'm guessing it had to do with what the sheep were fed. But now that insane bovines are less of a threat, the ban has never been lifted. That's right. If you wanted haggis (and maybe you were sniffing prions yourself if you did), you had to get American sheep guts to satisfy your gag-reflex. So now, Scotland is considering whether to lobby America to let those boiled innards back in. I say, it's high time this offal ban was lifted.

* One of my all-time favorite movie references to Scottish cuisine, from So I Married an Ax Murderer: "All Scottish cuisine is based on a dare."

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