Thursday, November 16, 2006

We Need More Inconvenient Senators

Good for Senator James Inhofe, who has called the climate change conference in Nairobi, "a brainwashing session." He accurately portrayed the recent climate talks as a wealth redistribution scam:

"What we learned in Nairobi is ... that the real focus has little to do with the fate of the planet and more to do with money -- who has it and who wants it," he said.

For an effective exclamation point, he held up a children's book on global warming, which puts all the blame on industrialized economies. There's a word for this: indoctrination.


  1. It took Inhofe that long to figure this out?!

    Voices screaming in the wilderness...and Congress is still totally deaf and dumb.

  2. Clearly, what we need to to create children's primers on every issue just for the congress critters:

    Dick and Jane Get An Illegal Immigration Puppy Who Piddles on The Carpet

    Dick and Jane Close Their Popsicle Stand After The Minimum Wage Is Increased

    Dick and Jane Get A Suntan After The Terrorist Nuclear Visit


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