Thursday, November 16, 2006

Geek Madness!

Yesterday, I went to the Best Buy to get my dad a printer he won't break. Yes, it's true, cheapo color printers and my dad do not mix, so I knew it was time to get him a workhorse. The problem with the cheapos is that the ink cartridges clog the nozzles if you don't use the printer very much, which is the case for Dad. Also, I needed a printer where jams are far and few between, since he's broken at least two printers yanking jammed paper. So, I got him a HP laserjet with a toner cartridge good for 3000 pages. He whined a little bit about losing the ability to print color, but I told him that the color printers that can take his abuse (which is really neglect) cost 5 times as much and the color toner cartridges cost upwards of 80 dollars. Black ink only, printer boy. Unless he punts the printer down the stairs, I won't be hearing about any problems for the next ten years.

Urban Campers in training
"...and then, after you heat the hotpockets, you have to, like, wait two whole minutes..."

When I entered the store, I noticed a bunch of young urban males camping out. Not known for their love the outdoors, I quickly surmised they were pitching tents for the Friday release of the Sony PS3. I have reservations about Sony's plan with this thing, since the base model costs 500 dollars. Gaming consoles are supposed to be cheaper than middle-high quality desktop PC's, so this is ridiculous. I don't care how many Blu-Ray disks are on the market, these young guys are making their case for debtors' prison by buying this thing, along with a hi-def flat screen to go with it. All I know is, for Sony's sake, I hope these things don't overheat and explode either.


  1. Dude - you're suffering your own version of geek madness. Quit playing that new video game for a sec and post something new to your blog for all your fans!

  2. no overheating.

    No splodey batteries.

    And new and improved RootKit 2.0 (even rootier).

    Sony's LEARNED from their mistakes.

    Yessir, they have.


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