Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Just What We Need...

Barbara Boxer, D - California, has just been named Senate Chair on the Environmental Committee. She made the usual wild-eyed alarmist warmening noises: "running out of time" - check; "curb greenhouse gases" - check; support for carbon trading schemes - check. The former chair, James Inhofe, seemed to have a good grasp of the issues concerning man-made global warming, calling it "the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people." Thankfully, the warmening part of Boxer's agenda will probably not be touched until President Bush is out of power. Other issues will be contentious, such as policy changes and enforcement of the Endangered Species Act, and particulate emissions for car manufacturers. Currently, states such as California have stricter emissions standards than federal guidelines. This may change, since it might be the only issue that Boxer can push the Bush administration on. Politically, she needs to be seen as doing something, so look for news stories on car emissions, cutbacks on housing developments (which is happening anyway because of the housing starts slowdown: look for environmentalists to take credit for this), and look for the use of Environmental Impact Reports to stall construction of new power plants using "conventional" fuel. We'll see what happens when the inevitable fight between the deforestation crowd meets the wind power lobby.

1 comment:

  1. Otta:

    The problem with the new alternative parties is that most of them are really off-shoots of special interest activist movements, with no comprehensive platforms for running a country. That's why Greens have no traction because they have no ideas on foreign policy and military management. It will be at least a decade before some new party can rise up from the disgruntled, secular Republicans, but my murky crystal ball is making flashes of light about that.


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