Wednesday, November 15, 2006

But What do the Whales Think?

You know, most of the time, I think the environmentalists who obsess about endangered species really don't want to save them. They never wonder about what happens after they get the populations back up to what are "acceptable" numbers. Reclamation projects of certain bear and wolf populations worked so well in western states, that the prey species declined, and the predators descended on the ranchers to eat. Of course, the ranchers wanted to protect their livestock, but you can imagine the uproar the save-the-species crowd had over that. Again, when short-sighted conservation practices are employed, whole ecological systems can be hurt.

So, making the news this Fall is that the whaling countries of Japan, Iceland, and Finland want to take their proscribed portion of de-threatened whale herds. Remember, these nations are following international law on how many whales they can take home, just like hunting season for deer is regulated. But that's not good enough for the environmentalists. It looks like they've never asked themselves, "what happens when you win?" Because losers never ask that question. Somehow, I don't think the whales think they're losers either.


Brewster Rockit courtesy of Tim Rickard


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