Thursday, October 12, 2006

Jupiter Sees (More) Red

Whoa! One of Jupiter's white spots turned red!


Image courtesy of AP


The red comes from the storm picking up sulfur from a lower atmospheric zone and the chemical reaction turns the entire storm red. Not quite sure how envirobats will spin this freak storm as a product of global warming.


  1. Otta:

    Even though my degree is in astrophysics, most introductory astronomy courses waste a lot of time on the solar system, which I haven't studied since high school. Now, if you had questions on star formation, relativity, galactic structure, and cosmology, I would be your man.

  2. It's all Halliburton's doing!

  3. Brenda:

    Ha! I bet it was a no-bid contract for natural gas-mining too!


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