Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hypocritical UN Agency Statement

I know, the UN being hypocritical is not earth-shattering news, but in this global warming scare tactic story about Africa, Nick Nuttall from the U.N.'s Environment Program says that

Industrial nations also need to step up support to help poor nations adapt to global warming with drought and heat resistant crops and alternative energy sources so people do not cut down trees for fuel.

This is a laugh, since the UN and the EU have been vigourously fighting genetically modified foods from the United States from entering drought-plagued African nations. If we don't modify the crops, where are these heat resistant crops going to come from? Because of the UN's and the EU's ignorance and spite of American agricultural technology, millions in Africa have already starved when they refused "frankenfoods" at the europeans' insistence.

If it weren't for American frankenfood technology, the French wouldn't even have a wine industry for Americans to boycott. UC Davis and the California wine industry saved France's economy after a blight in the 1980's killed off most of the vine crop. By cloning and grafting blight-resistant genes into the French stock, France's wine industry was able to recover.

The rest of the article devolves into pap about carbon trading, which is still a scam for rich nations to give money to developing nations and justify all the pollution a growing economy will produce. Nevermind the local effects of pollution, not the carbon dioxide but the harmful particulates, that will sicken the forests they are trying to recover.

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