Tuesday, July 25, 2006

No Point Really, You Just Have to See It

A while back, I posted my response to a story about a Pakastani prisoner who lost that spare lightbulb of his.  So, with that in mind... oh, just look at the picture.


I'm hypnotized, it's like a trainwreck... I hope it wasn't loaded...


Thanks to April Winchel, Drs. David B. Busch and James R. Starling, and El Serracho.


  1. oh. wow.

    that is really something.

    my sister is a nurse in an ER and says that they have folks some in fairly regularly with stuff stuck in their bum. sometimes they have to operate, but mostly they can dislodge the ..umm item. once, she says, they had someone come in with a butt-plug all the way up their bum. now, i've never tried a butt-plug but i understand the concept. the design seems to be based on preventing it from going all the way in. makes you wonder.

    the thing she says she always wonders with the folks (i sat down naked on the couch and i guess that big pottery barn candle must have been stuck between the cushions) is .. how long did they try to get it out before giving up and heading to the er?

    good stuff.

  2. The stories they tell to "explain" the "accidents" are the best. There was one case log I read where a guy said he "fell on" an 8 cm wide jar in the bathroom. I also like how dry the surgeons are when they describe the procedures to get them out. Sometimes they need "quiet reflection." Awesome.


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