Wednesday, July 26, 2006

You Drunken Pigs!

Have you ever had a friend who liked to pour beer for his dog and watch the little guy stumble around?  I've seen drunken women but I've never seen a drunk bitch, the dogs usually boys, named Cody or Sam, wearing a bandana around its neck.  (I went to college in the 90's, that's what they did to dogs back then.)  Well, can you make a living out of that?  This bar in Tasmania seems to be doing very well, but instead of dogs, they've got a pair of pigs, who look forward to their daily bottles.  Of course, the animal cruelty people have to come around to make sure Priscilla and PB are being treated well.   The owners have figured out their tolerance, so they're never drunk, which would qualify for the cruelty:

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals often investigates complaints about the pigs' drinking but have found the porkers unharmed.

"Whilst it is a difficult pill to swallow ... it's certainly not cruelty, unfortunately," [said] RSPCA [Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals] state chief executive Rick Butler.

I like the "unfortunately" part.  It's okay for people to ingest whatever we want, but we must protect the poor animals from these dangerous chemicals.  Be careful, don't get the SPCA started on smoking monkeys.

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