Monday, October 30, 2006

Expensive and Wrong

The main concept of Anthropogenic Global Warming has always annoyed me. Climate change may be occurring, and the planet may be warming, but that the ratio of greenhouse gases had to be in such a balance on its tipping point, that the meager contribution of carbon dioxide that industrial economies throw up into the atmosphere, started the boulder rolling down the hill? Pardon me, but that's laughable. I'm an ex-astronomer, and I know astronomical odds when I see them. Unfortunately, the environmental activists have so successfully tied man-made Global Warming with plain old global warming, that policy makers and politicians think that we humans can actually do something about reversing it. Similar to the Illegal Immigration debate here in America, activists have been so loud and vocal with tying all immigration to the debate, rational thought has left the arena.

So now, Britain, which has been totally hornswaggled about Man's arrogance, first that we are so powerful to affect the planet so, and second that we are still so powerful to reaffect it, has published a government report that dealing with climate change's effects over the next century will cost between 5 to 20 percent of a country's GDP. But, saving grace of all saving graces, countries can spend only 1 percent of their GDP's and reverse Global Warming. Um, what if you're wrong, and we are not this all powerful acne rash on Mother Gaia's face, and we spend this money, but Global Warming happens anyway, so that we've ruined our economies and we still have to deal with drought, coastal intrusion, and stronger hurricanes? Pretty expensive gamble, don't you think?

Now, this report is based on the "science" of climate change as it exists today. What if those theories are wrong? What if the warming we saw in the 1990's was a brief phenomenon? It's pretty unwise to base your next 50 years of economic and environmental policy on a science that is only accurate to a timeline of 100 years or so, based on data taken during a trend of 10 years. But here's the other side of the gamble the Greens are willing to take: if the warming trend peters out, and we've placed all these carbon credit scams all over the world, they can claim that we acted in time and reversed global warming. Although, other climate scientists can call shenanigans on that since it takes 30 to 50 years for carbon dioxide put into the atmosphere now to affect global temperature. But who cares? No one listens to those rational climate scientist Today, so why would we listen to them in the future? But, the Greens are collectivist at their philosophic core, so slowing down the elite economies, and transfering their wealth to developing countries through the carbon trading scheme, will be all to the benefit of their ideology.

However, even if the Greens are wrong, and spending all this crap to reverse Global Warming doesn't work, and Global Warming happens anyway, they can claim we waited too long, other countries didn't do enough, or Mother Gaia was angrier than we thought. It doesn't matter, because global economies would have been ruined, industrial wealth would have been redistributed, and capitalist powerhouses would have been weakened, so the "little" countries could compete with them. A more even playing field would make it easier for socialist policies to spread. It really is win-win for the enviro-bats, whether the Earth cooperates with them or not.


  1. Joe, I've always wondered how we can predict all of these disasters when we obviously can't even get the weather right for the next two days....shallow, I know.

  2. Joe;

    " But here's the other side of the gamble the Greens are willing to take: if the warming trend peters out, and we've placed all these carbon credit scams all over the world, they can claim that we acted in time and reversed global warming"

    Here's the solution to the caterwauling about global warming... ready?....

    Move all the "Greens" to Greenland.

    Then they'll be the last to complain about global warming.

    Think it over...


  3. Hi EDNurs! Hi Bilge!

    Bilge, I wish it were that easy for the Greens to go to Greenland, but you know they'd just complain over there too. They'd go back to the Global Cooling thing that was in the 70's. Or look at the calving icebergs in the bays and think Warming was catching up to them. Eh, maybe they'd be just further away and less annoying. I could go for that.

  4. I couldn't agree more with you, Joe. I actually live in the UK and the global warming hysteria from our politicians in the past few days has been ridiculous.

    The worst thing is that all three mainstream parties are now burying their snouts deep in the "carbon taxes" trough, leaving people disenfranchised - and then they wonder why election turnouts are so low!

    At least the people aren't being fooled for the time being, opinion polls show a lot of anger over this, even the BBC website was overwhelmed with comments resenting having to pay YET MORE taxes. But unless a strong campaign is built against this quasi-religious nonsense soon, they'll probably get away with it. :(

  5. sez Iceman:

    "The worst thing is that all three mainstream parties are now burying their snouts deep in the "carbon taxes" trough,"

    Imagined vignette that popped up in the BilgeMind:

    (Intake cells of HM Prison Buggery Scrubs)

    Several shaven-headed, overly-tattooed recidivist convicts and one upper-class twit in Saville Row tailoring sitting on a bench:

    Convict: "What'd they nick ya for, mate?
    Murder someone, didja?"

    Twit: "Oh...CERTAINLY not!"

    Convict2: "Didja bugger a slag,then?"

    Twit: "Don't speak such rubbish!"

    Convict3: "So, you offed the missus, right? We don't see your type much here in gaol unless it's for one of those offences."

    Twit: "If you...gentlemen...MUST know. I am accused of evading payment of the Carbon Tax."

    Convicts: "You're fooked, Mate!"
    "Ah, one of THOSE,eh?"

    (And they ask me why I drink... keeps the hallucinations at bay)


    PS Iceman: I thought it was "Rule, Britannia!", was I wrong? Is it really "Rules! Britannia!"?


  6. Bilgeman, it's been "Rules Britannia" for a long time now, sadly. :(

  7. Iceman:

    Quite...accept my condolences.

    BTW, you ARE curent on your "telly tax", yes?

    Y'all still need to be licensed, right?

    Most Americans might not know that in the UK, one needs to purchase a license for the privilege of watching "antenna TeeVee".
    At least, was so last I sailed under the Red Ensign.

    It's Cawm'nism, I tells ya!


  8. Bilge:

    Re: the telly tax, this was true the last time I was there, which was for three months in '94. My host family told me stories of the inspectors finding stray TV's in closets, or basements. Almost like an Anne Frank of the televisions. I'm not sure what the current situation is with all the satellite channels.


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