Sunday, October 29, 2006

Just Don't Think of Mean Kittens

You know, in every ensemble hero story, there's always the inept character that just needs to increase his focus to become the badass. Sometimes, it's for love, but other times, it's just mindless rage. There was the Incredible Hulk, who was a loner in his story arc, which was the template, but then there was also Mr. Furious in Mystery Men. And then there's my new favorite, Michael J. Caboose, baby hater.


"Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black parts."



  1. Otta:

    Helmety Goodness Fridays is the constant, but if I see, or make something that I just have to share, I'm gonna put it up. Just be glad there's a lot of helmety goodness to be had, otherwise:

    I will eat your unhappiness!

  2. Aww, looks like Ms. Debbie Football Fan is roaming around outside her cage. She should definitely stop thinking of very mean kittens covered in spikes.

  3. Hiya, Joe. Been poking around your site lately and love what you've done with the place. Nice!

    I see someone left a few droppings. They have that certain je ne sais quois, don't they? Oh, that's debfrench for eau de burnt flint and caca. You have my condolences.

  4. Hi Guys!

    I have to say this Ms. Debbie visit is better than last time. I didn't even get lamericks (you see what I did there, huh, huh?), all I got was "die joe die die die." Or something like that.

  5. Drive by..
    I don't have time to put on my "Joke Judge" sock.

    DEB-Bile's lamericks also fallin teh catagory of un-phunnee.
    I think we've got her all wrong. She's not a Lesbian at all. She's agay man trapped in a Lesbian troll's body.

    Deborah and teh Angry Inch.

  6. Wow, Joe, I think she likes you! ;-)

    I just can't understand how she claims her sexual preference to be female, but yet she continues to have this amazing fasination with the male anatomy. She has some pretty major envy issues going on in that empty skull of hers, I think.

    Now, on to more tragic issues. Can we please not discuss the Panthers pathetic 4th quarter. :-(
    I hate it when they forget to show up in the 2nd half. Better luck next year, I guess.

    Congrats, to your Cowboys. (See, losers can be good sports.) Just don't remind us about the jigantic "L" tatood on our forehead now. :-)

  7. Joe,

    "lamericks". That could be one for teh lexicon!


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