Episode 2 — “Curiosity, Shushu, Undress”
The theme of this week’s Chained Soldier (Mato Seihei no Slave) episode is education. Nei-sensei loves her role as a senpai to Yuuki and gives the audience a world-building lesson through their scenes. Each squadron occupies territory in the Mato, and each plot of land has a self-healing shield. I learned we have a dramatic plot point device now.
The education theme continues into human anatomy. Oh boy, sheltered girls in Chained Soldier are curious about boy parts. Looking at dry diagrams of bodily cross-sections is not as exciting, titillating, or “practical” as hands-on treatment. That’s true specifically in Shushu’s case when she can make her hands as big as she wants. Yuuki already had a power dynamic disadvantage from his role as a male in the gynocentric balance of power in his world. Now, he feels the added weight of physical intimidation. Yuuki wasn’t the tallest boy before Kyouka collared him, but Shushu brought the height disparity to another level.
The last point of education came from a dramatic revelation that a beautiful demon, different from the “ugly” Shuuki, knows who Yuuki is. She could “feel” him. A scene from Chained Soldier’s first episode made a point about how society keeps a tally of missing citizens from Mato gate incidents. We now have a hint of what the demons do to the girls they capture. Those Peaches might have an overdose limit. I’m feeling excited to learn why those girls sided with the demons.
Heh. Geh.
Yuuki is officially a dormitory caretaker. He’ll learn how gross girls can be! Nei-senpai instructs Yuuki on Mato geography. Oh, look! Shushu can turn small. How do her powers work? Himari follows the man-hating hidden yuri character type to a tee. Oh, I know she only “admires” Kyouka so much! That’s her story, and she’s sticking to it! Kyouka defends Yuuki as essential personnel but will twist “it” off if he misbehaves. Protect your “it,” Yuuki-kun!
Confirmed: Chained Soldier has freed the nipple! Himari, the man-hater, ironically gave us the first uncensored fanservice scene. Ha! Shushu is so tiny! She can increase and decrease her size. Her personality won’t let Shushu become a spy, but I could see her use her ability for all sorts of things. Oops. She caught Yuuki peeping! Now, he’ll have to show her something that grows and shrinks. Blackmail and extortion: things move quickly in Chained Soldier. Yuuki is a slave to Kyouka and Shushu.
Aw. Shushu doesn’t like vanilla shoujo romance manga. There’s rougher stuff out there, don’t you know? Like Chained Soldier, maybe? Ack! More blackmail material! Shimapan, for the win! Training montage Kyouka and Himari. Kyouka has been killing demons through her sheer physical abilities so far. With Yuuki underneath her, Kyouka’s range of offensive power has increased. Today is a pink day... Uh oh. Unlucky news for Yuuki — he’ll be alone with Shushu for one day!
Shushu is so innocent. She asked Yuuki for a shoulder massage. We know why they’re stiff: from carrying massive honkers all day. Ah. Yuuki’s older sister used to make him rub her shoulders, too. Shushu led a sheltered existence, so she moved to the Mato for demon-killing excitement. Even more thrilling? Strip video games! Of course, Yuuki lost it all. Cammy beats Guile. You lose! Shushu wants to see it all! And she’ll be safe if Yuuki starts feeling “frisky.” Ack! She pointed, laughed, and called “it” small! Can Kyouka even grab enough material to twist off? It’s the worst day of Yuuki’s manhood so far.
Fun times interrupted. That’s a large Shuuki! We saw the regular-sized ones clump together to form a solid mass in Chained Soldier’s first episode, but this one looks more organized. Let’s see if Shushu can handle this guy by herself. Aha. Her ability’s name is “Paradigm Shift,” which explains why her clothes and smartphone can also change size. The eye-catchers show Shushu in a monster movie and fairy tale situation.
Clash of the Titans! Aha. Shushu says she gets tired from turning into a giant. Foreshadowing in Chained Soldier. Look at all the little Shuukis glomming onto the giant one. Uh oh. Shushu ran out of “embiggening” (I don’t know what she calls it) power. And the small fries are holding her down. It’s like a coordinated Lilliputian attack with Brobdingnag.
What can Yuuki do to help without Kyouka around? Sniff her underwear! Of course, Chained Soldier. Why didn’t I think of that? Because I’m not a pervert! Okay, okay. Lick her gloves. Not enough! See? Should have gone straight to the panties. Kyouka’s camisole? Almost. There it is. Lick her boot! Wait a second. Won’t Kyouka have to “reward” Yuuki after the fact? That’s a weird halfway transformation. Aw. Shushu liked that masculine protection energy. HeadOn. Apply directly to the forehead! Shushu supplied a soft landing for Yuuki. Giant booba fetish: unlocked! Uh oh! Shushu shrank, but parts of Yuuki grew! Shushu is not pointing and laughing now. Chained Soldier suggestively placed a rock formation.
Oh? Is Kyouka massaging Yuuki as a reward? Her ministrations appear too painful as recompense. Unless Yuuki likes that kind of thing. Poor guy. Shushu made even more blackmail material. A maiden’s heart is mysterious.
Epilogue time in the Peach groves. The Demon Defense Forces can’t stop a new kind of demon. She’s sexy, has the same powers, and also eats Peaches. And she knows Yuuki. Why do her ahoge fronds resemble his? Family ties?
Nei’s omake covers Shushu’s Paradigm Shift and how the dorm has Wi-Fi!
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