Episode 1 — “Birth, Yuuki, Awakening”
First Thoughts.
Back when Chained Soldier caught my eye for the winter anime season because of its intellectually stimulating content (I swear!), I wondered how the mousy main character would end up in a sea of female attention. The setup Chained Soldier used impressed me! It even foreshadowed it. Yuuki has the best home economics skills in school. It’s his superpower! It only makes sense he would become the Mother of Demon Defense Dormitory. Hold on, this sounds familiar... The caretaker scenario squashed all my questions and doubts about fanservice opportunities inside a story about girls fighting demons through supernatural skills. I only hope Yuuki survives the slapstick violence coming his way from accidental nudity. Let’s see how strongly his lucky lecher ability links to his domestic talents.
Besides the foreshadowing of Yuuki becoming the domestic goddess of the Demon Defense Force dormitory, Chained Soldier included an emotional hook about Yuuki’s missing sister. I’m an anime-only consumer of otaku media. But I can tell from how this world of women eating demonic Peaches to obtain bizarre capabilities will have an element of forced betrayal. Neon Genesis Evangelion is the archetype of how using an enemy’s technology against it has terrible consequences. This theme also runs through Freezing, a similar sci-fi version of Chained Soldier. I expect the scene where Yuuki discovers the “truth” about Mato (literally demon city) and what happened to his sister will be meaty.
The other fun thing I want Chained Soldier to explore is the master-slave relationship in the context of bondage, sadism, and masochism. Kyouka claimed her body “moved on its own” when she started ravishing Yuuki as his “reward” for wearing her collar. But was that a tsundere pose in reality? She called him a pervert before jumping his bones because she had an idea of what she had to do before it happened. Kyouka gave slabs of meat to her other demon slaves. Did that compel her hands to pick them out of her pocket? I have questions. I need to see more steamy, heavy petting scenes for answers!
Grainy flashback of demons attacking a rural village. How long have they been invading Japan? Ah. This is Kyouka Uzen’s origin story in Chained Soldier. And Yuuki’s. It’s an intro flash forward.
The opening credits are spoiler-rich. Peaches are the Forbidden Fruit, but the Japanese love Momotarou’s tale. Lick that boot! Ha! Look at all the tasty food Yuuki cooks for the Demon Defense Force girls. How do demon Peaches turn girls into machine guns? Chained Soldier has something for that giant fetish! Yuuki’s masked demon form needs explanations, too. When do we meet the commander of these demon girl bosses?
Only women oversee dealing with the Demon Dimension, Mato. The boys need to come early to school to do the cleaning chores! Yuuki Wakura (Yuuya Hirose — Alto Goldfield from Vermeil in Gold) is the god of housekeeping. Gender role reversals just in time for 2024! Demon Peaches give girls powers but don’t work on boys. Okay. Then how did Yuuki get so good at needle and thread work? Oh. His presumed dead big sister taught him and was a harsh taskmistress. Chained Soldier has more humor and comedy than I expected.
Demon City Not for Tourists
Uh oh. Fog heralds the entry into the Mato, like thin spots between fairy worlds and how fairies spirit children away. At least the internet still works in there. Ugh. CGI Shuuki (é鬼 — ugly demons). Ack. An uglier one beat one down! It has green eyes instead of red and a woman with a short skirt on its back! Spiffy uniform. She has that thing on a collar and chain. Swordplay. Aw. Her Shuuki was a temporary mount. Time enough for a brief introduction: Kyouka Uzen (Akari Kitou — this busy lady is in five anime for the Winter 2024 season) leads the 7th Squadron of the Demon Defense Force. Ooh. She picked up another Shuuki mount by stepping on its head. Did it enjoy that? Girls driving an army jeep. The sound effects for the intros resemble hitting quest points in an RPG.
Himari has a Gatling gun growing out of her arm! Whoa! Shushu has giant knockers! And everything else. How does she make her clothes grow? And that’s how Chained Soldier introduces the Demon Defense Force. The second eye-catch makes it look like Kyouka lives and trains in the Mato.
Time for a breather and exposition. Uh oh. The boy from the bridge where Yuuki entered the Mato separated from his sister. Ah. There she is. Kyouka rescued two Mato Mishap victims, but her new mount is weak. Does she have a choice for a stronger one? Hey, there’s that boy who likes looking at women in uniform... Slavery time in Chained Soldier! Oh. She says, “It’s time to bow down.” Tomayto, tomahto. Lick the finger! Kyouka’s Peach Power has a name — Eternal Chains: Slave. An oni mask covered Yuuki’s entire body. Mommy likes it!
Chained Mother of 7th Squad Dormitory
Eep. Those Shuuki things can combine like a mass of clay. Short work, though. How would Yuuki like to be Kyouka’s permanent slave? But first, Kyouka needs to compensate him. Ooh. A kiss! Oh, she’s not done yet! Why is she calling Yuuki a pervert? What? Her Shuuki slaves only wanted pork slices. What kind of meat does Yuuki want? Oh, really, Chained Soldier? Kyouka claims her body moves automatically according to what Yuuki wishes for rewards. That naughty boy. He wanted tongue action after the battle action! Heck of a first kiss, shounen. Kyouka likes a man who can handle house chores. And Yuuki can avenge his sister’s death in the Mato. Plus, Kyouka’s “rewards!” Slavery terms are acceptable.
Hahaha! The Demon Defense Force 7th Squadron dormitory is inside the Mato! Oh? There’s a barrier. I bet that won’t become a plot point. Nope. No sir. Har. Yuuki thought he would join the army. He gets a different uniform as the dorm housekeeper! How about a plain old apron? Kyouka’s squad mates have different reactions to this news. And the Demon Defense Force? No boys allowed.
The ending credits show Tenka and her squad yanking Yuuki’s chain. I’ll wait for the creditless version to capture those fun moments. You can tell from the planned dakimakura pillow covers the different attitudes Tenka and Kyouka have.
Fun. Nei Ookawamura teaches Chained Soldier lore in a chibi omake. Next time, the curious Shushu wants to explore a boy’s body.
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