Episode 1 — “Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable!”
First Thoughts.
Hokkaido might be freezing in the winter, but heated floors and touchy-feely gals will quickly warm you up in Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! (道産子ギャルはなまらめんこい, Dosanko Gal wa Namaramenkoi). Please refer to this preview post for explanations on “Dosanko” and “Namaramenkoi.” The flirty vibes and slice-of-life atmosphere make the anime a relaxing treat to watch.
Minami is the best tour guide for Hokkaido in the snow and the cultural effects that a fish out of water character needs to know. How would Tokyo-transplant Tsubasa have been aware to bring a blanket to his classroom? At least Minami’s thicc, smooth thighs prewarmed the one he borrowed! I will enjoy watching another gal-based anime this winter season. Hokkaido Gals also guarantees copious fanservice from the beautiful gyaru. Thank goodness Blade and Silver Link focused the animation quality on the girls’ features and not on much else. Let’s spend more time with these namara menkoi gyaru!
Hokkaido is a true costar for Hokkaido Gals. And it’s not just the geography but also the culture we’ll see among the young folks. A kid from Tokyo would have no idea what to do in the middle of snow-covered fields. Teenagers must hang out together in their homes to see each other. And you worry about the bus canceling its route due to weather instead of trying to catch the last train. The open spaces, dark, clear skies, and peaceful quiet lend to making horny youth explore each other instead of net cafés and family restaurants. Hokkaido’s setting will help Tsubasa get an education about warm gyaru hearts. And more from those Hokkaido gals!
Taxi driving in the snow. It looks cold. Aw, poor kid. He had to change schools in the middle of Hokkaido’s winter. Oh, no. The boy wants to walk the rest of the way to his new village. Not smart. Hahaha! Get some capacitive gloves, shounen. He’s that cold, but that gyaru is wearing next to nothing! I like how the wintry weather reddens noses, cheeks, and ears so that cute girls look like they are always blushing. The young man can’t believe how she stays warm wearing so little. Uh oh. That “short” walk home will take three hours in the snow! Waiting for the bus for five minutes next to a flashy gyaru sounds like a far better plan.
Tokyo! She’s so excited to meet a boy from the big city. He likes her accent. She goes to the school he’ll be transferring to! He can’t handle the “squishy” situation. Hokkaido gals overshare, apparently. The Tokyo shounen needs to calm down. Hahaha! Snow down the collar! Pretty girls need constant attention, so don’t tune them out. Hoho. She’s shy after he called her pretty! Hey. He forgot to board the bus! Minami Fuyuki mesmerized him. Her name has “snow” and “south” in it.
School time. How did the boy make it home? He survived, evidently. Tsubasa Shiki finally said his name to the audience. I see more Hokkaido gals in class. Fun! Minami sits next to Tsubasa. Hokkaido fate! Whacking down boundaries! Tsubasa learned he needed to bring a blanket to school during winters in Hokkaido. A prewarmed covering from gyaru thighs is a welcome gift. What are you imagining, Tsubasa? And why is she sniffing his used blanket? Minami has no filter.
What does Minami mean here? Does she usually have someone walk her to the train station? Is someone missing? Is it another boy? Tsubasa is merely a warm elbow to press her boobs against. Aw. Minami is curious about dating in Tokyo as if forever-alone Tsubasa has any experience. Here’s Hokkaido culture: Kitami prefecture is too cold to hang out anywhere except people’s homes. That’s a hint, Tsubasa! Hayai! Minami already asked him to visit her house!
Straight to a home visit! “Boys, be ambitious,” Tsubasa! Three days in Hokkaido, this Tokyo never-had is already inside a flashy gal’s house. That’s the kind of transfer student debut I like! Hokkaido gals are a force! And Minami’s parents aren’t home today! Lucky... what does she mean? Oh. They get to hog the heated floors in the living room. Hokkaido, in winter, has its own set of rules. This much beauty in Tsubasa’s face is too much for his virgin heart. Katsugen (カツゲン) is a milk-based product from Hokkaido that produces stringy strands on cleavage, making you think the wrong things. Minami has gyaru loungewear. Marin Kitagawa (My Dress-Up Darling) wore a similar outfit when Gojou-kun visited her house.
Dayum, Tsubasa. Bringing R-rated love scenes over on your first date! And Minami fell asleep. That boring sex is boring! Gals with big chests always dream of eating tasty food. Nice guy, Tsubasa, didn’t take advantage of her dozing form. Time to go home. Wait! Minami needs to apologize for falling asleep on him. But that nice guy only cares if his Hokkaido gal friend is warm! Now, who’s invading someone else’s personal space? This thoughtful boy needs a reward: junk food from Seicomart! This is Hokkaido’s largest convenience store chain.
Oh, now the opening credit theme shows up. The other Hokkaido Gals, Sayuri and Rena, show up here. Minami likes foxes, and Sayuri is a gamer gal. Look at all the Hokkaido product placement! Ribbon Napolin is a region-specific orange soda. Rena likes ninjas and classic tales, as expected from a librarian gal. Ha! Everyone does a TikTok dance. Is that Minami’s mother or older sister? When do we meet her?
Prologue at Seicomart with karaage. More product placement with the “hot chef” stuff. Aw. Minami picked a rice grain off Tsubasa’s cheek like a romantic couple. Who’s warming up whom, now?
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