Friday, December 08, 2023

Goblin Slayer S2 - Episode 10 - Priestess Washes High Elf's Back

High Elf and Priestess enjoyed a women's public bath and amenities at the kingdom's capital. Relaxing and fun!

The boys went to a pub, but the girls went to a spa and public bath. Priorities! Unfortunately, the king's little sister, the Princess, wanted to play at being an adventurer and stole Priestess's clothes! Priestess wept over losing her chain mail gift from Goblin Slayer.

Thankfully, Goblin Slayer was in the capital when Princess ran away because goblins attacked her carriage and kidnapped her! The king had asked Sword Maiden to rescue Princess from goblins because she hated them so much. But she still suffers trauma from her blinding and assault at their hands. But Goblin Slayer is her savior!

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